About Us
Research on Environment and Development Planning Consultants Ltd. also known as REDPLAN Consultants Ltd was registered in 1994 and incorporated in 2009. REDPLAN is a Kenya-based regional consultancy bureau mainly working with the public and private sectors in under taking programme reviews, baseline, surveys, impact assessments, rapid assessment and research in various fields including environment, water, energy and socio-economic development in Eastern, Central and Southern African countries. REDPLAN has a well-established network of collaborators and partners, a high concentration of well qualified personnel with well-matched core competencies in water, environment, development economics and social science. Our multi-disciplinary team consisting of qualified and experienced staff and associates led by Prof. George O. Krhoda, CBS has carried out various consultancies in diverse fields as a team or individually in their respective disciplines and areas of competencies. As a firm with international exposure, REDPLAN Consultants Ltd. is at a decided advantage in addressing development challenges both locally and internationally.

area of focus
Research on Environment and Development Planning Consultants (REDPLAN) focuses on environment, agriculture, energy, water and socio-economic development in Eastern, Central and Southern African countries. Our services include research, baseline surveys, project management, monitoring and evaluation and advisory services.
Our reports are done to satisfy Kenya national policies and legislations including Environmental Management and Coordination Act (1999), revised 2016 and relevant international policies and obligations.
REDPLAN Consultants Ltd has a holistic and integrated approach to addressing the interlinked problems of poverty, low agricultural productivity, and degradation of the environment and sustainable access to water for all. We have a high concentration of well qualified personnel with well-matched core competencies in water, environment, development economics and social science. Our team is trained in cultural appreciation and respect for minority groups. Our multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral teams of experts are knowledgeable of the water sector and environment in Kenya, have gained expertise on water reforms and environmental conservation as well as on project formulation, participatory implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
We serve a wide range of Clients including multi-lateral organizations such as World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, FAO, UNESCO, beside ministries different government and departments by providing innovative and cost effective development and management solutions for water resources, energy, biodiversity and environmental management.
REDPLAN Consultants Ltd. has over the years gained a well-established network of collaborators and partners, drawn from various sectors within governmental and non-governmental institutions. To this end REDPLAN is at a decided advantage in its ability to conduct participatory processes that take into account key stakeholder inputs.
To this end we work with partners, stakeholders and target communities in promoting good governance, food security, reduction of poverty, and improvement of access to natural resources including water, sanitation services and hygiene, assessment of primary health services, credit facilities and education, through research and capacity building for the sustainable well-being of people and their environments.

Our vision is
To be Africa’s Knowledge Bank for sustainable development

Our mission is
To be customer-focused world classes think tank, providing the most innovative, efficient and cost-effective services in research, management training and socio-economic development.